In Vitro Fertilisation egg-donation

In vitro fertilisation with donor eggs, also known as egg donation or ovodonation, is a simple and safe technique that allows those women who do not achieve a pregnancy by themselves to become mothers.

At IVFforYOU our IVF DO success rate is exceptional: 91% per cycle.

We have oocyte donors from multiple origins and features. We know the donors personally and it is the gynaecologist who makes the selection. The physician has access to their photographs, their academical record and hobbies, as well as to the outcome of their previous donation cycles. Because of this, we are always able to offer the best donor for each patient. We only start the treatment when we have the most suitable donor.

In egg donation cycles the best results are achieved by using fresh oocytes, without cryopreserving and thawing, since it significantly improves the success rates. Working with fresh eggs requires a much bigger effort on our side, but we strongly believe our patients deserve it.

In order to be able to carry out the treatment with non- cryopreserved eggs, both the patient’s and the donor’s menstrual cycles must be synchronised. After the ovarian stimulation, the donor eggs are recovered by means of an ovarian puncture. Meanwhile, the patient prepares her uterus to receive the embryos. After the puncture, the donor’s eggs are fertilised with the sperm of the male partner (or donor sperm), and cultured in the laboratory. Finally, the transfer of the best embryo is performed, and all surplus good quality embryos are cryopreserved.

In Spain, donors are anonymous and at our clinic the physicians are the ones that look for the best match in each case. If you would like to carry out your IVF treatment with a known or non-anonymous donor, please ask for further information. You should know that these treatments cannot be carried out in Spain for legal matters. We will address you to a clinic of a different country.


– Orientation, scheduling and medical control of the cycle.
– Donor selection with ideal match. Assignment of a back-up donor.
– Donor screening: clinical study, ultrasound and blood works (full blood count, coagulation, serologies: HIV 1 and 2, hepatitis B and C and syphilis). Genetic testing: karyotype and screening of the 50 most frequent cystic fibrosis mutations.
– Synchronisation of donor / receptor menstrual cycles.
– Ovarian stimulation of the donor.
– Ovarian puncture.
– Operating theatre, mild sedation and outpatient clinic.
– Andrology and IVF laboratories.
– IVF of four fresh mature oocytes of optimal quality.
– Embryo culture and study of the status of each embryo.
– Embryo transfer.
– Donor follow-up
– Pregnancy test and follow-up until the first pregnancy ultrasound

Not included

– The cost of the patient’s medication (approximately 50€) is not included in the treatment.
– The cost of the donor’s medication (850€) is not included in the treatment.

Success rate
91% per cycle

Complementary techniques for IVF cycles

Design the treatment tailored to your needs: 

Select the options you need, add them to your budget and calculate the total cost.

Do not forget to include in your budget your sperm donor according to your needs.

Other options you may need

Add them also to your budget and calculate the total cost.


IVFforYOU is redesigning its Assisted Reproduction services to adapt even more to the needs of patients.

During this period, our partner clinic Institut Marquès will be taking care of our patients.

You can continue to contact us through our email:

We will keep you informed of the latest news.