Embryo genetic testing of all chromosomes. Results in 14 days.
All process expenses included. (If there are more than 4 embryos, supplement of € 200 per embryo).
After an embryo biopsy the Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) allows to analyse the genetic or chromosomal content of the embryos obtained in an In-Vitro-Fertilisation and transfer to the mother’s uterus the ones that do not present any abnormality and have more probabilities to implant. It is carried out with the Next Generation Sequencing technique.
The biopsy is carried out once the embryo has reached blastocyst stage (5 th day of development). It is then cryopreserved until the PGT results arrive, 14 days later. The best embryo is chosen to transfer.
Thus, by choosing the chromosomally normal embryos, it is possible to increase the possibility of pregnancy, and both the risk of miscarriage, as well as getting to the chromosomal tests during pregnancy with a problem we could have foreseen, decrease. It allows to transfer exclusively the normal embryos and avoids cryopreserving altered ones.
It is especially indicated in:
Patients with infertility problems caused by a maternal age over 37 years, repeated miscarriages, repeated failures in In-Vitro-Fertilisation cycles or patients with a male sterility factor.
Do not forget to include blastocyst culture in your cost estimate, using both the PGT and PGT express complementary techniques.
Treatments to which you can add this technique
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